Sunday, August 1, 2021

Our Lady of Hope at Pontmain, France


At the height of the Franco-Prussian war, when it looked like France would lose, the Virgin Mary appeared at Pontmain, France on January 17, 1871 to Joseph and Eugene Barbedette, aged ten and twelve, respectively.

The Prussian army was marching towards the tiny village at the time. When Eugene looked into the evening sky, he saw a beautiful woman smiling down at him. She was dressed in a blue gown that sparkled with shiny stars. On her head, she wore a black veil and golden crown.

When Joseph joined his brother, he, too, saw the beautiful lady. But the boys' mother and father could see nothing. Other adults who came to witness this apparition could see nothing but three stars which formed a triangle in the night sky. When two little girls examined the star-studded sky, they vividly described the lady in the blue gown and golden crown.

As more people joined the crowd, the villagers began to pray. Every child could see the beautiful shining lady in the sky. As the crowd began to pray the Rosary, the children cried out in amazement as the lady's shimmering blue gown turned to gold. A banner appeared beneath her feet bearing these words: "But pray, my children. God will hear you in time. My Son allows Himself to be touched."

The villagers began to sing the hymn "Mother of Hope." The lady smiled. But when the villagers sang "My Sweet Jesus," the lady became sad, and a red crucifix appeared in her hands. The words "Jesus Christ" appeared. Eventually, the crucifix disappeared. The lady smiled down upon the crowd and vanished.

Miraculously, the Prussian army halted its advance and, a few days later, on January 23, 1871, the war was over. All the soldiers from Pontmain returned safely home.

Dawn Pisturino
August 1, 2021
Copyright 2021 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

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