Thursday, August 6, 2015

Meditations on the Luminous Mysteries

Pope John Paul II introduced the Luminous Mysteries in October 2002. I learned the Rosary before the Luminous Mysteries were introduced, so I have posted them last.
1. The Baptism in the Jordan
Water. Rebirth. The moment John the Baptist baptized Jesus, Jesus was transformed into the messenger of God and the Savior of Mankind. May we also cleanse our lives of impurities and walk in the light of God.

2.  The Wedding at Cana

Jesus' first miracle was performed at the request of his mother, Mary. And it is here, at the wedding of Cana, that Jesus' ministry began. Let us look for ways to perform good deeds in our own everyday lives.

3.  The Proclamation of the Kingdom
The miracles that Jesus performed during his lifetime are only a small portion of what God will give us in heaven.
4.  The Transfiguration
God revealed His glory when Christ was transfigured before the apostles. So, too, may we revel in God's glory in the Kingdom to come.
5.  The Institution of the Eucharist
When Jesus asked us to remember Him while breaking the bread and drinking the wine, that's exactly what He meant for us to do. We become one with Christ when we partake of Holy Communion. Attend Holy Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist as often as you can. Be one with Christ. Follow the light of God.
Dawn Pisturino
August 6, 2015
Copyright 2015 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Meditations on the Glorious Mysteries

The little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, flushed with pride and excitement as she crowned the head of Our Blessed Mother with a beautiful wreath of springtime flowers.
Such innocence! Such joy!  
It makes perfect sense that May is the month of Mary. Blooming flowers, the hum of nature's gentle creatures, warm breezes, and brilliant sunshine -- how beautiful is God's creation! And how beautiful is Our Blessed Mother!
1. The Resurrection of Jesus from the Dead
How blessed were Mary Magdalene and the Apostles to witness Our Lord Jesus Christ, risen from the bonds of death! His victory over death and obliteration is Our Victory, as well. Life is NOT finite, limited, confined to material space. God embraces the whole universe, infinite time, and eternal existence. He is our destiny, our life, our hope. Jesus' resurrection confirms that this is so.
2. The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
Jesus told his apostles that his kingdom is not of this world. The Romans could not comprehend this statement because they were attached to a material existence, indifferent to their own pantheon of gods and goddesses. What a gloomy way of living, fearing the darkness and finality of the grave. Jesus went home to His Kingdom, where he awaits our arrival with expectation and joy. Should we feel anything less? Do Not Fear Death, for Our Lord and Savior awaits!
3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
True to His word, Jesus appeared to His apostles after the resurrection, revealing His true nature. He exhorted them to believe, to have faith, and to spread the message to people everywhere. His believers became the body of Christ on earth. We become one with Jesus when we take the Eucharistic wafer at mass. We become one with Our Lord when we love one another and strive to act as one body. Unite! Do not allow the forces threatening our country and our world to be victorious.
4. The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
Mary consented to be the vessel of God's will. She carried His love and message into the world. She encouraged her son, Jesus, to begin His great ministry at Cana. How right, then, that God should make a special place for her in Heaven! 
5. The Crowning of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth
And so we come again to the May crowning, when we remember our Spiritual Mother as the Mother of God. We love her, embrace her, turn to her for comfort. She is the mother of the world, ready to embrace all mankind. And she will stand next to her Son with open arms when we enter the gates of Heaven.
Dawn Pisturino
Copyright 2015 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Meditations on the Sorrowful Mysteries

The First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
When Mary agreed to be the mother of Jesus, did she understand the great mission He would fulfill?
The agony in the garden represents Jesus' moment of Truth. He has come to the end of His ministry and the beginning of the fulfillment of His great destiny. He has agreed to become a willing sacrifice to the Great Work of God, His father.
What are we willing to sacrifice in our own lives for God?
The Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
Jesus suffers pain, loss, and humiliation at the hands of His enemies. From the moment of Judas' betrayal, Jesus is stripped of His dignity, humbled, and punished.
 How many times have we been betrayed by a friend, a husband, a lover, a family member? We remember the pain, the humiliation, the loss of dignity and self-respect.
Jesus forgave His enemies. Do we have the strength to do the same? 
The Third Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns
When Jesus is crowned with thorns, His enemies believed they were humiliating Him and making fun of Him. But this crowning foreshadows Jesus' ultimate victory.
We too will achieve ultimate victory over our enemies and our sins, if we are humble, steadfast, and patient.
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
Such weight! Such burden! Jesus carried the sins of mankind on His back, along with the Cross. He stumbled and fell but never wavered on His journey.
What burdens do we carry on our backs? What crosses do we bear? Do we bear them happily and willingly, for the sake of God? Or, do we grumble and fret, looking to free ourselves?
Love God and trust in His mercy.
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
Mary stood at the foot of the Cross, weeping, as her beloved son's life slipped away. Darkness filled the world. But Mary never gave up hope. She trusted in God's will while waiting for Her son's resurrection. She forgave His enemies and gave comfort to the apostles. She became a mother to all mankind.
We honor Mary for her love, strength, and devotion. She raises us up, just like she raised her beloved son, Jesus.
Dawn Pisturino
Copyright 2015 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.